& Publications
June 11, 2015
Publication in Bolivian Vice Presidencial political analysis paper
I had the great honor to have 2 pictures featured in the emeritus political analysis paper of the Bolivian Vice Presidency.
You can reach the entire virtual version HERE.

May 29 - June 19, 2015
Exhibition "Bolivia mi Amor"
The exhibition takes place in the bar-restaurant "Fenomeno" in the calle 10 of Achumani, La Paz, Bolivia.

May 22, 2015
Cafe Magick website inauguration
I got the great pleasure to build entirely the Cafe Magick website from taking pictures to building the web page.
Check it here:

March, 2015
Aqui Latinos International newspaper publication
Front cover of Aqui Latinos Internacional March 2015 edition newspaper and article.

February 10, 2015
Bex Magazine Publication
"De Almas y Tierras"
Bex Magazine made me the honor to publish virtually a compilation of some landscapes and portraits I took in Bolivia. Click on the image to have a look at the publication.